Speaker cable length with monoblock amps?

If you position a monoblock amp close to your speaker (say within a foot of the speaker.) Would the shortest length cable, say 2' be the way to go?
buy 2 short runs of zipcord - test that - blind - vs. something cheap from BlueJeans cable

take the winner and test it vs. various brands from one of the rental places (i.e buy & return)

on the other thread, I agree you want to listen to the Vidars
$15k/$22.5k cables/amps proportion is not what I had in mind.
In any case, as I suggested above, one must be able to tell the difference between 2' and longer cables. And the difference should be real not something bordering non-existant. It will also depend on speakers. There is no general answer. If someone is concerned with resale, yeah, not shorter than 6', if not - listen. And if auditioning is not possible and there is no-one to advise in the paricular case - 6' is probably most reasonable. Personally, I never really think of the resale value. I upgrade rarely and if after ten years I'll have to throw away an amp I paid $5k for - so be it, that's less than $50 a month. I think about performance and try to get the most of it for the least money, after that business is over and listening to music is in order.
The idea that speaker cables have to be a certain minimum length strikes me as an audiophile myth
If that were true, we would all have hook-up wire coiled inside of our speakers.
Help me out. Wasn't it Bob Crump  of TG Audio who said 5 feet or thereabouts was the optimum cable length for speakers?