Is it OK to use an 8 Ohm tubed amp to power 16 Ohm speakers?

There’s a lot of emotion and conflicting answers when I Google this. I have an Air Tight ATM-1s and Zu Audio Druid speakers. The Air Tight is factory-set at 8 Ohms and is switcheable to 16 Ohms but requires removing the base plate and resoldering which I’m reluctant to do — or at least not until listening at the current configuration. Air Tight says it’s fine to have 8 Ohm to 16 Ohm speakers — which I suppose is definitive, but I’m asking the question all the same to this experienced community. Btw, I am not an electrical engineer so please don’t be overly technical in your opionions.

Many thanks.
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That would be fine.  If you search the forums, you will find numerous posts confirming that, including many by amp designer/builder Atmasphere who is firmly of the opinion that amps in general and tube amps in particular, sound better driving higher resistance speakers. 
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It is always better to have a higher load resistance - less current is drawn from tube circuits. Compared to transistor amps, tube amps are challenged by low impedances and have difficultly in providing current.