What cartridge to replace my Audioquest 404 BH?

Well, my AR ES-1 turntable was in a closet for about 15 years before I set it back up a couple months ago. The tonearm is an Audioquest PT-5. It actually sounds pretty good, with the exception of the louder, more complex passages, which sound a bit strained or harsh(I don't think the problem is mis-tracking). As to the cartridge itself, it was used quite a bit back in the day, and I have played quite a few LPs since setting it back up. With my vision, it is difficult to really see the stylus and I don't have much experience with how a stylus is supposed to look anyway. I just have a feeling that the stylus is worn(not to mention just old) and I can improve my sound with a new cartridge.

The 404 BH was a pretty highly reviewed high output MC cartridge in its day, and I wouldn't want to take a step down in audio quality. Its rated output is 2.2mv, which is on the low side for my receiver and I have to crank the volume fairly high.

So, can anyone recommend a few MM or high output MC cartridges that I can check out?   I am seeing great reviews on the Dynavector 20X2 H and 10X5 .  Thanks much.
Thanks, lewm.  Yes, I ordered and installed a new belt from LP Gear.  I'll also replace the bearing lube, which I still have some of the original.
Depending on budget:

Audio Technica AT150Sa
Hana EH
MOFI UltraTracker
Hana SH
MOFI MasterTracker
Ortofon Black

I'm now thinking of picking up a phono pre-amp and then connecting to an extra analog input on my receiver instead of using the built-in phono pre-amp.  This opens up lots of options for me, such as the Ortofon Quintet series of "affordable" MC cartridges, which I am having recommended to me.  Any recommendations of lower output MC cartridges in the $500-1000 range?
Any recommendations of lower output MC cartridges in the $500-1000 range?

Zu Audio/Denon 103
Hana SL
Audio Technica AT-ART9
Dynavector 17D3 ( just a little out of your budget, but REALLY nice)