Has anyone heard these two NOS tubes pitted directly against each other. The virtues of the Mullard are well documented; certain sellers (cough, Upscale) praise the merits of the Brimar to the heavens, and they *are* considerably less expensive. Thoughts?
I no longer use my trusty NOS Mullards (new amp, different tubes) but for me the best thing by far about those tubes was the flash at start-up. Sure, they sounded great, but it's that flash…oh yeah…uh huh...
I purchased my Brimars from Upscale after trading emails with them to get a thorough description of their sonics. They came in original NOS boxes with plastic pin protectors and are well built tubes. There are at least 4 different types of Mullards with a different sonic signature, the cv4003 is the ruggedized version. Sweet, liquid mids like the Brimar, both have boxplates.
I've not tried the Brimar's but immediately chose the Siemens E82cc/12au7 over two different Mullard's, including the CV4003. I also preferred the Siemens over the Radiotechnique 12au7.
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