Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...

I currently own a pair of the Kharma 3.2 Enigma Reference Speakers and after playing them for over 600 hours, they still sound etched and non-organic sounding. I also have new Kharma Grand-reference speaker cables with over 300 hours in them.
My amps are Lamm ML2, 2 years old.
Will these babies ever sing?
This is a small room which needs special acoustical treatment.
I think that you need a good stand for the source components (especially in this room).
Also, you don't quite mention what source you are using most of the time.
The Rega CD player is not at the level of the amp/speaker
part of the system.
This system is somewhat unbalanced.
Some people prefer the opposite - the highest value goes to the front end.
The pre-amp is always an issue.
In this system I would try a Wadia player (they have a built-in pre-amp) in order to simplify the system (less connections) and put more value on the front end.
Do NOT remove the P-300 from the equation.It is regenerating A/C,and used on source equipment is quite beneficial!
Some,here,ought to try "whole system" regeneration(in balanced mode)which is ear opening.Even with dedicated lines.
The overtly pricey power cords are not nearly as effective as adding something like an Exact Power EP-15a,along with the companian Ultra-Pure unit(optional).
Hi had Kharma 1.0 with Kharma speaker wire they give you a in your face sound. Upgraded to Magico Mini MK2 my room 13w by 19 3/4 Long Mini 2 just Much Much Better more open more musical Better depth better sounstage!
I've got also Kharma 3.2 FE - you could hear the "ceramic" sound sometimes...
Try Kubala Sosma Emotion wires (RCA & speakers & power) - and take an emmlabs CDSA as CD player with Lamm L2 ref or CAT SL1, or emmlabs CDSD + DCC2 (inclusing analog preamp)
Sound will be far better : Music !

You will have a great sound like Kharma 3.2 could have.

Now you can change for Magico V3 or Mini 2, but you will need a powerfull amp - forget the Lamm, even the ML1.1 - and take BAT 150SE, VTL 450 or CAT JL2 or JL3 amplifier.
Magico will be clearer (if it's your taste...), faster with more impact, without "ceramic" sound. But they are not better, just "different" sounding.