1080p an issue for now?

Just did a side by side comparison of lcd, plasma, and rear projection technologies at best buy. LCD definitely had the best picture, followed closely by plasma. DLP and lcd rear projection weren't as sharp, and being even a little off angle was a problem. LCD doens't go big enough for my room (12.5 x 21.5, sitting 12-14 feet from the set), so I guess it's plasma. There are great deals on 50-inch plasmas right now, if I decide that's big enough, but of course it's not 1080p. The salespeople all say we won't see 1080p broadcast for at least 5 years. Is that actually true, or do I put up with all the problems of rear projetion and go that way? Front projection not an option in the room. Thanks. -Dave
True 1080P displays can accept a native 1920 x 1080 deinterlaced signal. The only widely available content that is 1920 x 1080 are Hi Def DVDs, which have nothing to do with SACD or DVD-A by analogy, and are here to stay as a resolution. Cable/Sat HD is 1240 x 1080 and so the display will upscale the signal to fit the fixed pixel display- not desirable even with the best quality video scaler.

So the choice on what to buy could be matched to a buyers viewing material-- if Hi Def DVDs are not a part of the current landscape-- perhaps another less expensive resolution display makes more sense. Over the next two years, the 1080Ps will come down in price and maybe there will be more content out there with equipment that even allows us to hear the " lossless" hi def audio on the high def DVDs!

LCD is not as good as plasma becuase contrast ratios are lower; so shadow detail is lost in darker movies and scenes such as " Sin City". This makes an LCD display unacceptable for me on this basis alone. IMMV
Scalers actually take the 480p, 720p, 1080i or whathaveyou signal, processes it (de-interlace for XXXi signals and progressively scans the signal), then outputs it to the specified resolution. You are correct, they upscale the signal.

Check out DVDO.com. They offer scalers in the $1200 to 2K range. I was thinking of the iScale HD+ in particular, which scales up to 1080p. The MSRP from DVDO.com is $1500. Play your cards right and shop around, you probably can find it a little cheaper. Plus they have liturature for scalers in general and how DVDO scalers work too.

The VP20/30/50 are a little more expensive the higher you progress but they also offer 1080p and are better processors. IMO, they have a scaler that might fit your budget and offer the performance you're looking for.
thanks folks for the info on scalers. looks like a 1080p plasma and a video scaler are not in the budget right now. i'll probably just go with either the panasonic 50 inch (60u) or the hitachi 55hds69. i seem to be getting a new tv every 7 to 8 years anyway, so i guess that'll be the plan. i think the panasonic is supposed to have a slightly better picture quality, but the hitachi is probably a better size for me (12 to 14 feet from the screen). thoughts?
If you can get due without the 1080p then you are in luck as there will soon be many 1080p units available and dealers will have to get rid of the old. I think December and January will be good times to go for the deal. I bought my plasma over the internet and the savings are really good. I got my choices down to Panasonic, LG and NEC. I bought the commercial NEC unit from Cleveland Plasma and I ordered it on Monday and it was installed on Friday. For videophile comparisons between these units go to AVSFORUM.com, paying special attention to the NEW NEC (50XM5 and 50XR5) thread. Over four thousands posts and hardly a single regret.

Oh, my 50XM5 will input 1080p over DVI and I got mine for roughly $3,800.00, including shipping.

I second the comment by Bmcleod that a 50" display at 12' - 14' is too small. I have been using a 61" display sitting about 10' feet away, and I just orderd a 71" display to replace the 61". Just my own perspective, but I would quickly become disenchanted and want a larger display than 50" at that distance.
