Good Afternoon All –
Lots of goings on at Core Power Tech and with my family. I
think it’s a good idea just to update (thank you Kemper) and just give all of
you a view of our world as it exists today.
Core Power started as an attempt to do all we could to wring
out my experiences in AUDIO – and what I had learned about Power from many of
the masters. It’s been a wonderful two (next month) but much went into Core
Power before we shipping unit 1.
I learned from my experiences at Genesis, Audio Alchemy –
Perpetual Tech and others what goes into making a product that stands the test
of time. I’ve had a few of those – and I’ve also had colossal blunders with products
that almost cost me everything. We have a top loading transport that made
everyone’s Class A list, but this product was impossible to build and
replicate. It was a great idea gone bad – I’ve has my share of that.
Instead, we waited 14 months to ship Unit One of the first
EQUI-CORES. That study paid off and in total we are well in excess of 770 units
now with one shipping failure, three units failures and two returns in all this
In the case of the Deep Core I work with three guys I call
My Rabbis and Priests. They are the heart and soul of the Alpha Team. They have
all been using DEEP CORE for more than 11 months now. I went Pre-Beta with
these guys to very Standing Ovations. One went as far as to say that this will
change Audio. I think he’s right.
I owe 9 of you final Beta Units (one of you is in fact
getting two units for his system needs) and these people will all get theirs
first. We had some hiccups along the way – but we are processing 65 units now.
Peter had asked me to listen one last time – I’m glad I did this.
The original design had 3 MOV-like (Metal Oxide Varistors)
in a Cascaded Array. MOVs are truly bad for the music but Doug’s new way of
using them seemed to work just fine ---- unit I got curious and decided to
jumper-in this array (thereby taking them out) and listen again…………… HOLY CRAP…
huge and very positive change. We listen – we listen some more ---- and then we
don’t begin anything until until WE LISTEN AGAIN.
Glad I did – DEEP CORE is going to change the Audio World
along with our new newer product called Ground ZERO. Shocking stuff actually. I’m
used to the market pressure stuff and to the posts where I’m called out for
this and that. I tend to talk about the products and get myself in trouble –
but that’s just me. I’m sorry… (maybe I’m not sorry)… 😊
I’ve also been held up due the house situation. By the time
we move in November 1st Lynn and I will have not lived in our own
house for 105 days (process on THAT) … We had one house ready to go that we
waited a complete build on but the Lender did not practice fair tactics and
after waiting near to 80 extra days we finally told them to stick it.
Instead we decided to build our final home and we rented The
Perfect House for the next 15 months – still in Broomfield, CO. This house has
near to 7000 square feet as nearly half of the house will be used for 4 Sound
Rooms to showcase products that I believe are EXTRAORDINARY. Many of you buy
from Underwood Wally but most of you don’t know that he bought that business
from ME as The Graham Company (Graham being my prized Chocolate Lab Boy) … he
later changed it to Underwood Hifi.
This house will be a home where anyone can come by and
listen all day long. I will have CPT Products along with speakers from a “few companies”
… most of you know I have designed and built ALL the Emerald Physics products
for the last 6 years. This has come to an end due to many factors but 90 +
percent due to my failing health (another big issue I’ve had to face up to) …
I’m getting better, but Parkinson’s is no walk in the park
and these hemiplegic migraines stopped me cold in September. Look it up if you
care to… it scared me mindless. I was so scared that I considered throwing in
the towel. BUT – when the going gets bad… we just have to muster up the mojo to
move on and get with it.
My granddaughter is going to help the business and two of my
Grandsons. Lynn is very happy about this. Peter Madnick (Constellation Audio,
Audio Alchemy and ELAC) will produce DEEP CORE and Ground Zero. We have what it
takes and by Jan 1, 2018 we will be shipping products from stock.
The 26 of you that waited abnormal time to receive your CPT
Product(s) will have receive a SERIOUS COUPON for DEEP CORE at a price that will
stun you into a smile. We have 6 DEEP CORES Paid For and these will go first of
My apologies for the unevenness of the last 3 months – we expected
to be in our new home in 18 days – this will finally end at 105. My apologies –
Although not wanting to say much more – I’ll close this post
with mentioning that closing Emerald Office here took over 120 days with more
than 70 pallets sent to Texas, California, and Tennessee. Not much more to add
to that fact. This slowed us to a crawl… but now it’s time for Core Power and
my new Line of speakers called a2. Come on over and listen after the 5th
or so of November – THIS YEAR lol.
Best to you all,
BTW – I will come back tomorrow after I get my computer back…
PS – special apologies to our 220v guys who have waited a
stupid amount of time for their units – and that goes for our Canadian
Distributor as well… very special gifts for these people.
PPS – going to apologize now to those that will offer
comments as to how this message should not be posted here – to them I say I’m