Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.

Any Magico Owners or Dealers or Folks or anyone that may have some basic advice, ideas or feedback from hearing or seeing in a friends, dealers system or owned older version of Magico or something like or anything really that can help me? How are yours or theirs set up? The smallest moves makes huge changes and I am coming from speakers that are so very different so any and all feedback would so welcomed.

I CAN EMAIL YOU PICS of Room / Set up / Etc  fsmthjack at YAH00



ROOM:                         24 x 14 with cathedral ceilings 
MUSIC:                        Good mix - no hard metal / large orchestra and the like
LOUDNESS:                normal levels - just loud enough to sound best
SPEAKERS                  Magico S5 Speakers
AMP:                            Pass Labs X350.5 Amp
SOURCE:                     Bricasti M1SE DAC
TRANSPORT:               mircoRendu 1.4 w/Full suite of Uptone Audio products
CABLES                       HiDiamond Full Loom 
CONDITIONER            HiDiamond HDX2
SUBWOOFERS           (2) Sumiko S.9 Subs (hoping not needed with new Magico's) 

Thanks guys - I am kind of lost here and any help or feedback to get me heading in the right directions would be so appreciated.

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Thanks Erik - there is tons of space to the sides and behind. Around 8 feet to the side walls about 4 feet out from back wall - I've gone with a little less tow in but they seem to need at least a little or you lose more than you gain. I bought my current speaker cables because they were a great match with my SET tube amps and triode preamps. They peeled layers off and were great with tubes. They are very revealing and what was a great match with tubes are too much of a good thing with solid state it seems. I have not tried any room treatments though and wish I knew more about how to do that because it will probably help nicely!
Wanted to update my threads

Hey Guys - I borrowed an inexpensive tube preamp and man what a difference. My rig was screaming for tubes. So much so now I'm thinking about a tube amp also?

I know Magico needs / should have a SS amp. I only listen at normal levels. Just don't enjoy music real loud except once in a while. Do you think an ARC Reference 150 amp can drive Magico S5 Speakers proper at normal levels in my room? I just think for my taste with these speakers tubes can go a long way. Not quite sure that the ARC REF 150 is enough amp though? Thoughts?

Loaded a few pics of my re-fit rig that is starting to take shape. Have new speaker cables coming (Cardas Clear Reflection) and new preamp (BAT 32SE) and am considering trading my Pass Labs X350.5 and a few bucks for a ARC REF 150. Thoughts?

I moved speakers out to very outside edge of carpet that can be seen in 3rd pic or so and that helped a bit. Pics make them look closer together than they really are.

That Magicos need big solid state amps is a canard. They will work really well with powerful tube amps. Unfortunately I suspect that 150W may not do it. It’s nothing to do with playing loud but all about having the headroom for the dynamic range these speakers are capable of

I get great results with my Q3s and VTL MB450III but while my dealer thought they would sounded good with EAR890 monos (140 W) I found that combo lacked life. As the S5 are less sensitive than the Q3s I would worry that 150W could come up short
Thanks and yes that’s exactly what I was afraid of. The type of tubes needed I gear is too expensive and out of my price range :( 

What about - would not have thought of this normally but another member mentioned them.

a pair of Primaluna Dialog Premium HP in mono blocks - with KT150’s these have 192 wattts and supposedly the tranny’s to drive my Speakers - just always thought of Primaluna like I look at Hyundai? Not fair maybe - nothing wrong with Hyundai- not sure either way other than to say I alway bought Toyota’s / Audio Research or BAT.