Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)

I’m looking for the most accurate and resolving speakers (budget is <= 15K). Paradigm Persona 3F, Kef Reference 3 or Focal Sopra 2 are some of the options I can think of. Any opinions on how these compare? Should I had other options to this shortlist? The amplifier is the (absolutely extraordinary) Nagra Classic AMP.

Thanks! :)
My personal favourites would be the Quad electrostats or the top models from Harbeth. Both potentially supported my multiple subwoofers.
Thanks for the reply. I’m pursuing a different sound philosophy, though … There good things (from my perspective) in the best examples of the modern speakers: speed, transparency, tonal accuracy, dynamics (both micro and macro). I find the Magico Q Series as a perfect example of the qualities I’m after … but in a different price point. In fact, I’m looking for a poor man’s Q Series ;)