Do I have to spend $4000 plus to get a better sounding speaker than GET model 7 ?

I have owned a pair of Golden Ear Technology 7's speaker for almost 3 years. I think they sound very good in my current set-up.  I bought them unheard based on the rave reviews they received at CES 2012. My concern is that if I was to invest in a speaker that is $3500-$4000, it may prove to be only marginally or fairly better. I am not saying that the GET's 7's are the best bargain in audio at $1395.  My experience with them is they are  very accurate with low distortion, but don't throw a particularly wide or deep soundstage. 

I have considered( not necessarily auditioned) Revel F-206;  Focal Aria 936;  Paradign F85;  PSB T-2';  Ryan 630;  B&W CM9S   Dynaudio X-34;  Duevel "Venus"  Audio Physic Sitara 25 and Tempo 25  All of the indicated speakers (except AP and Duevel) fall in the $3000-$4500 retail price range 

ProAc floor standers are off the scope in price, (often, even used)   Anything I buy will be used, because California sales tax is 8.5%,  and I can stretch my dollars buying used. 

Any recommendations are welcomed especially if based on you own experience with a particular speaker or brand.

Thank you, S.J     

As others may have mentioned, Clayton Shaw's products: Spatial Audio's M3 TurboS, M4 TurboS and even M4 Triode Master, (which may be stretching your dollar) are all incredibly musical. Shaw's speakers present a broad and deep soundstage and provide a dynamic presentation, which I find to be emotionally involving, as opposed to "mere music in a room." While they are not capable of reproducing the lowest bass, ( at that price point, what is?)  the bass they can give you is accurate and amazingly fast, with some serious "punch". The midrange is simply gorgeous-the treble likewise, with no hint of harshness. A big plus is that they're easy to set up and don't require gobs of power to drive.
 A real game-changer, IMHO.
I agree, the Spatial Audio open baffles are absolutely epic. I auditioned these at home, and they were extremely impressive. Ultimately my room was a little bit small and sent them back.
I forgot to mention that if you go with Shahinians, make sure they don’t have the notorious French tweeter which Shahinian used to employ. That tweeter was not at all musical, and singularly, "grating" on the mind and ears. Many in the audiophile community were baffled why they were used in the first place.
I agree with Avanti 1960.   The Harbeth c7es3 is probably the best speaker for under 4000!  At one point I was looking at Triton speakers,  but the Harbeth blew them away imo!