A nice discussion of reviewers priorities.

I was wondering from anyone that has followed a reviewer if you could tell me of ones that prioritizes what I do? 
I value the artistic expression of music. So I presume micro details that are presented in a natural way are important in that regard. For example I know I get caught up in how a note on a guitar is played differently by diffeent musicians on different guitars, even how the individual strings are played either by themselves or in a chord. The different tension and how long a note is held, whether it is hammered or picked.  Maybe it is because I play that instrument.
Also the closer it sounds to the real event is nice. What I mean by that is that everything coming over my system needs to fit timing wise and timbre wise for me to connect to it. Those are valued details that don't get lost on me.
One thing that is low on my priority list is soundstaging or imaging.  I don't pay much attention to that.
I hope this lends itself to a nice discussion that we all benefit from.
I figure I can benefit a little more from the reviewers that I am more inline with, and l hope you would also.
Please if you are real familiar with a reviewer share your thoughts.
Thank you
Yup, Art Dudley. The ability of a component to convey the musician’s "touch" is a very high priority for him. That, and the "forward momentum" of the music---PRAT. He no longer plays his LPs on a Linn Sondek turntable, but he’s a Linnie. Surprisingly for a lover and player himself of acoustic music (Bluegrass, and he loves acoustic guitarist Tony Rice), the accurate reproduction of timbre is not a high priority for him. Weird.
If you want to evaluate whether a reviewer's opinions coincide with your own, I think you need to close the loop and independently evaluate the subject of the review for yourself.
...the musician’s "touch" is a very high priority for him. That, and the "forward momentum" of the music..."

Agree about HR. Thought about mentioning him AFTER I posted. Both AD and HR are very emotional. AD has admitted soundstaging isn't a concern of his, whereas HR does focus on it. Enjoy reading both of them.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have read many articles from those reviewers but I have never really known where they come.
I feel like many reviewers try to benefit their readers but I don't try to read to much in between the lines of what they say. And what they say I don't know where to put my confidence in what I read because I don't know their priorities. I guess I treat it as information that gives me some heads up to go check something out, not really knowing much of what to expect. Which I think is a healthy way to be inquisitive. I do think there is many things reviewers don't say in every review, but probably have in their own past reviews that probably means a lot but I don't try to figure out what that might be.  So I think knowing what they value in their listening experience can help me see them in a different light and benefit as little more.  

For  myself I have found personal help from dealers(and I buy from them when I use a dealers help) to be the best guidance in going a certain direction or creating what you want with success. But they don't always carry everything of course.  So  I feel reviewers input and input here on audiogon can all contribute something to have a wider scope of possibilities. So thanks again for the suggestions.