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I expect this post will be perceived as very interesting feedback. One that I am happy to report.
First, I compared my Oppo to ERC-3. Why, because in fairness to the Oppo, it has a digital filter setting that can be used to tweak the sound. So, giving it the benefit of the doubt, and despite the fact that I previously tested all filters and opted to stay with the default mini phase fast, I thought it worthwhile to ensure that it sounds very much like the ERC-3, and specifically with respect to the elements that are lacking in comparison to the Yggy. To reiterate, that would be a tinny top end, less "evolving" middle and not as "rich" bass. For purposes of my test, they can be considered identical.
I then compared the Yggy - at immediate start up (cold after being powered down 18+ hours) - against both ERC3 and UDP205 and the same "improvements" were evident in the Yggy as they had been when warmed up for days.
So, I take solace in *knowing* that as I listen via Yggy from a cold startup, theoretically the sound should improve *during the listening session*. Granted , that would not be audible nor will I set out to prove that, but I do know with certainty that even from a cold start up, the Yggy does sound better. And, if I had to state a one word reason why, "authenticity".
I expect this post will be perceived as very interesting feedback. One that I am happy to report.
First, I compared my Oppo to ERC-3. Why, because in fairness to the Oppo, it has a digital filter setting that can be used to tweak the sound. So, giving it the benefit of the doubt, and despite the fact that I previously tested all filters and opted to stay with the default mini phase fast, I thought it worthwhile to ensure that it sounds very much like the ERC-3, and specifically with respect to the elements that are lacking in comparison to the Yggy. To reiterate, that would be a tinny top end, less "evolving" middle and not as "rich" bass. For purposes of my test, they can be considered identical.
I then compared the Yggy - at immediate start up (cold after being powered down 18+ hours) - against both ERC3 and UDP205 and the same "improvements" were evident in the Yggy as they had been when warmed up for days.
So, I take solace in *knowing* that as I listen via Yggy from a cold startup, theoretically the sound should improve *during the listening session*. Granted , that would not be audible nor will I set out to prove that, but I do know with certainty that even from a cold start up, the Yggy does sound better. And, if I had to state a one word reason why, "authenticity".