New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions

Okay, so I’ve finally (on order over 2 months) received my Schiit Yggdrasil. The unit arrived in exactly perfect condition (i.e. well packaged).

Upon first (and second) listening through all sources/inputs, I would need a stethoscope to discern any difference among my current components and connectivity. I also cannot detect any difference using the phase inversion button.

I suppose the aforementioned is a testament to how good my current system (before/without Yggy) already sounds. :)

I can easily A-B test because the Yggy is hooked in via balanced and my other components are also hooked directly to amp via RCA or USB.

Also, obviously I have NOT let the unit "burn in" for days because I just got it, however, it has come to full operational temperature after being powered on continuously over 24 hours.

System configuration: (Yggdrasil > XLR > Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amplifier > Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers )
all cables blue jeans cables "best" offering

Emotiva ERC-3 CD player > AES/EBU > Yggdrasil
Oppo UDP-205 blue ray player > coax > Yggdrasil
Samsung SMT-C5320 cable box > optical > Yggdrasil
Gateway NV79 Windows 10 64-bit computer > USB > Yggdrasil

I’ll be patient, but if there are any suggestions to "try" in order to hear *some* audible difference, that would be great. Appreciate any feedback you have.

All -

I expect this post will be perceived as very interesting feedback. One that I am happy to report.


First, I compared my Oppo to ERC-3. Why, because in fairness to the Oppo, it has a digital filter setting that can be used to tweak the sound. So, giving it the benefit of the doubt, and despite the fact that I previously tested all filters and opted to stay with the default mini phase fast, I thought it worthwhile to ensure that it sounds very much like the ERC-3, and specifically with respect to the elements that are lacking in comparison to the Yggy. To reiterate, that would be a tinny top end, less "evolving" middle and not as "rich" bass. For purposes of my test, they can be considered identical.

I then compared the Yggy - at immediate start up (cold after being powered down 18+ hours) - against both ERC3 and UDP205 and the same "improvements" were evident in the Yggy as they had been when warmed up for days.

So, I take solace in *knowing* that as I listen via Yggy from a cold startup, theoretically the sound should improve *during the listening session*. Granted , that would not be audible nor will I set out to prove that, but I do know with certainty that even from a cold start up, the Yggy does sound better. And, if I had to state a one word reason why, "authenticity".
Interesting thread. Gdhal, which is your best souce combination - the one feeding the AES/EBU?
I keep swapping between the 2 below both sourcing files from my NAS via ethernet.
1. NUC - USB in Gustard U12 - AES in Yggy
2. Oppo 103d - Optical in Yggy
I am currently enjoying the Oppo option more. Blacker background, hear more high, PRAT, separation, ...
BTW, i am hoping your Oppo UDP test means using its SE out into the amp.
Hi @devgcl 

Welcome to the forum.

To be honest, all sources that act as transport to the Yggy sound great coming out of the Yggy. I haven't A/B'd among them to compare which is "best" coming out of the Yggy.

I can tell you I primarily use the Oppo, but that is simply out of convenience. I transfer live music flac files to USB and play from the Oppo, intentionally avoiding the need to burn or acquire more CDs. I have 3500 already, so I don't need anymore. I use my cable box as "intermission music" for bio-breaks, that sort of thing. The computer when hooked in to the Yggy via USB sounds unbelievably good. So much better sounding than the USB DAC in my amp that I didn't even need to "critically listen" to compare and draw a conclusion.

From the perspective of initially A/B'ing so as to conclude/determine/verify that multibit Yggy is (far) superior to either of my delta-sigma's (to which there is no doubt in my mind), at the time I did use SE (RCA) from all devices in order to make the test that much more reliable, accurate, truthful, etc. I only have one set of XLR input on my amp anyway.

Should I choose to bypass the Yggy and go straight to the amp with my delta-sigma gear, the Oppo and ERC3 sound equally great on their own, and I can connect either via XLR or RCA.

I have since removed all connections from my amp with the exception of the Yggy's XLR out to my amps XLR in, to reduce cross talk among other RCA input channels. Sometimes I had two devices on, or in the case of the Yggy during initial testing, had both XLR and RCA to the amp. I've since removed the Yggy's RCA connection to my amp. 

The Yggy is unbelievably good. I'm at the next stage of its integration into my system and am trying to determine if there is truly a "benefit" (either sound quality or unit longevity/health) to leaving it on 24/7. Do you have thoughts on that? I've been reading that some users need to power down and reboot at times to "clear" certain issues.
I have owned the yggy for 2 years. I needed a Dac and it fit into the Roon/ microrendu architecture I wanted.  I listen to mostly acoustic jazz, bluegrass, folk, classical, and the great bands like Led Zeppelin. It does well with this type of music. Mike Moffat the designer of this Dac and the Theta Dac  prefers these genres.  

Bottom line play well recorded music without consideration if it’s 16bit, 24 bit,DSD or MQA. You will have your Aha moment. Yggy can only play 16 and 24 bit pcm streams.

Buy better speakers you will have another Aha moment  and you will not have to ask others if they hear it too if you are honest with yourself.  

If if you bought the Dac from Amazon would you have returned it with Amazon’s best in retail return process/policy?

Personally I would like to hear  Mytec’s Manhattan Dac it’s not limited to pcm. 
Thanks gdhal. My limited experience shows removing USB in the chain at times helps. Would be interested to see when you get the chance to A/B your Yggy into different input sources.