Grgr4blu, also as your selling out of his home, nasty crack, we have a wider product selection then most of the New York dealers, go check out our video and you will see more unique gear on display, then almost anywhere in this part of the country.
Our older video shot 1.5 year ago, does not show the T+A audio gear, the Light Harmonic Davinci, the Aqua Hifi Forumula, ATC speakers, Legacy speakers, Baetis music servers,Micromega M100, NAD M32, plus a lot more gear.
So look at pictures of our shop vs your buddies shop do you want to know why we are quite knoweledable look at our store. lastly you who are turned off by my "salesmanship" have never been to my store and have never worked with me so you have NO DIRECT experience with me nor have heard systems at my store you have only heard my show setups.
So how much do you reallly know, if you had worked with me, tried some of my suggestions, and I was not able to make your system dramatically better or heard my store setups then maybe you would have a chance to be considered a fair and unbiased voice.
And to the gentleman who believes that you should shun dealers that promote their products, the reason that most dealers have the products they sell is because they believe them to be better, hence they want to sell those products.
Our store sells many great brands whether a BAT, a Vac, a Manly Labs, or CJ sounds as good or better than an ARC of Lamm or whatever tube amp that an OP may be talking about, it should not be considered a total faux pau to mention any of the competiting product, if a dealer talks about a product that may be exactly what the OP is looking for that should be considerd a good thing and the likely hood that the OP would or could find the recommendation to be a good thing and they would then seek out their local dealer to listen to said producte.
This hostitlity towards dealers is just silly as most dealers can be a great source of knowledge and have a tremendous amount of experience.
Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ