I think 60" at 12' will be like sitting in a bar watching casual TV. IIRC, the SMPTE and THX numbers (88.5" and 107.4" 16 X 9 diagonal for a 12' vieiwng distance) provide the viewing angle from near the rear of a theater. I think you want the diagonal size to be at least half the viewing distance, preferably a bit larger. At 12', I think the only practical solution is front projection, and that's not practical for casual viewing given the ambient light constraints. A more practical solution is to decrease viewing distance.
It's not obvious what THX has to do with marketing monitors, except in so far as THX certification of certain components might add value. And SMPTE? It would seem in the best interest of both organizations to keep you coming to a theater.
Visit myhometheater.homestead.com/viewdistancecalculator.html for viewing distance calculators and explanations.
It's not obvious what THX has to do with marketing monitors, except in so far as THX certification of certain components might add value. And SMPTE? It would seem in the best interest of both organizations to keep you coming to a theater.
Visit myhometheater.homestead.com/viewdistancecalculator.html for viewing distance calculators and explanations.