McIntosh MC152 vs MC162

Dear Mac owners, can you give me an idea if there is any substantial sonic differences btw MC152 and MC162? Technical data of both doesn't look far apart, while price wise MC162 is twice less expensive, which makes it twice more attractive.
Thanx, Theo, for the detailed answer. I wonder if you can suggest a better power amp then MC152 for my 3.5K budget? I use Mac C22 pre.
   As a long-time owner of many McIntosh components, I concur with theo. What power amp can you get for $3,500? You could look for an older but in very good condition Mac amp with autoformers. I use a MC2205 in a Martin Logan system. I am using the C2300 preamp.  I also have a MC2255. Don't be put off by their ages...if they have been upgraded, you won't be unhappy. 
vad58: I think Scorpio makes a good point. With Mc amps, used are usually in very good shape and can last for years. At your price point you might find a good used MC402, I have owned mine for years and it still sounds good. I know it may be more power than you need, but it has the quad balance and autoformers. There are some Mc amps that have autoformers but not the quad balanced e.g. MC252, you will want research that before you buy. Good luck.