Linestage search

I´m looking for a linestage for my EAR 509´s monoblocks.

The input impedance of the 509´s is 25K

My first options are the following:

1. EAR 868 (used)

2. Coincident Statement Linestage (used)

I didn´t have the opportunity to hear any of them, so I would really appreciate advice on the choice.

Thank you all.

Manley Labs Jumbo Shrimp has 200ohm output impedance and should drive those 509's to perfection. This is a pre amp that will inject some real organic, rich tonal beauty with plenty of rise and decay, its a very special sound and you can buy them for around $2500 to $3500. Has radio controlled remote too not inferred.( RCA only if that's a big deal ) Also, pre amps are very important to the sound of the overall system, very important to find the one that sounds best for you, it would be good to try a few before making your mind up.

Matt M

Thanks Matt, sounds interesting, I will add it to my list of candidates.
I don´t live in the  States and unfortunately I have no chance to try almost anything, that is my biggest problem.
I appreciate your kind cooperation
Be careful with the Manley as it has minimum gain of 45db max of 60db and with the input sensitivity of your EAR's being only 1.2v for full output, you could be very low on the volume control for very loud level playback leaving you with not much control, depending on your speakers sensitivity.

Cheers George