Dan D’Agostino and ARC Ref. 10

Will the Dan D’Agostino Momentum Monoblocks be a good match for my ARC Ref. 10 preamp and my Evolution Acoustics MM3 speakers?
Will be getting a really better sound with the Momentums than the one I’m getting with the Rogue’s Apollos?
thanks for your help.
ARC Ref 40 and VTL MB450III is a great combo for me. Use the balanced connection and then tune to your speakers with the adjustable damping factor. The VTLs also benefit greatly from Herbies dampers and the type of stand and footers you use

Don’t mean to go on a tangent here but george, you’re obviously a fan of Schiit products and while the Schiit Sys may be worth the $49 price, it really doesn’t fit in a system of even moderate caliber. I have one in my bedroom system and can only use it as a switch. The volume control is extremely noisy on even moderately efficient speakers and even the bleeding across the outputs is not negligible.

Sorry, just couldn’t resist since it keeps coming up in various contexts.