What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under

I thought mr_ m brought up a good point when when he said he would pick the most musical over the most accurate. His post was in "Searching for the Most Accurate Speaker under $15000"
lots of good reading about accuracy vs musicality in old Stereophiles  by JG Holt
Musical to me the speakers keeps you listening longer and longer in your listening chair, You forget accuracy.So I pick musical speakers.from what I read it seems double impact tekton does that...but again any speakers can become musical if your system match your speakers...

JG Holt ended up with  ATC SCM 50ASL after many years. He liked and owned Soundlabs for many years too.

I don’t think there is such a thing as musical - either a device is high fidelity (accurate) or it isn’t. A lack or accuracy does not make a speaker more musical to my ears.

Musical is a euphemistic term. It is a nice way of saying a speaker sounds nice even if it doesn’t sound realistic at all. 
@shadorne  "Musical is a euphemistic term. It is a nice way of saying a speaker sounds nice even if it doesn’t sound realistic at all."

I believe the word you are defining or describing above would be "euphonic" rather than "musical".  For me, at least, "musical" assumes accuracy as a prerequisite....it means an evenness to frequency response an openness of soundscape and a smoothness of texture (ex. hearing that a cymbal is being struck by a wood or plastic tipped drumstick and in the best circumstances, the metal overtones from a drum kit)

"euphonic" is not what most audiophiles desire.  If I'm listening to hard rocking group, I want to hear all of the intended distortions that are part of that creative process, NOT a smoothed over version of that reality.