What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under

I thought mr_ m brought up a good point when when he said he would pick the most musical over the most accurate. His post was in "Searching for the Most Accurate Speaker under $15000"
@shadorne  "Musical is a euphemistic term. It is a nice way of saying a speaker sounds nice even if it doesn’t sound realistic at all."

I believe the word you are defining or describing above would be "euphonic" rather than "musical".  For me, at least, "musical" assumes accuracy as a prerequisite....it means an evenness to frequency response an openness of soundscape and a smoothness of texture (ex. hearing that a cymbal is being struck by a wood or plastic tipped drumstick and in the best circumstances, the metal overtones from a drum kit)

"euphonic" is not what most audiophiles desire.  If I'm listening to hard rocking group, I want to hear all of the intended distortions that are part of that creative process, NOT a smoothed over version of that reality.


If “musical” means accurate then why not use the term “accurate” - to me musical is quite vague and includes pretty much anything except perhaps a lawnmower.
euphonic means "pleasing to the ear", doesn't mean "smoothed over" though that is what some prefer...different electronics, different rooms, different inner and outer ears, different preferences...

All speakers are going to have the finger prints of their designer. So no speaker can be accurate because the designers ears are doing the translating & that's subjective. What is wrong with a speaker being musical?
 Are there any speakers $15000 and under that you would recommend.