SACD vs. Blu-Ray for audio quality/sonics

I would like to hear any comments on the Audio quality/sonic merits of SACD vs. Blu-Ray.  Thanks

You seem mathematically adept or inclined.

Non random Jitter is a big audible problem even in amounts that nobody thought could be audible.

In a sense, jitter is a form of timing or clock non-linearity.

There is another pernicious form of non-linearity in all but 1 bit sigma delta DACs. The small non linearity between individual levels on a ladder DAC creates similar problems to jitter.

The solution is upsampling or much higher sample rates.

Despite having little or no musical content above 20KHz - higher sample rates and upsampling will help randomize DAC non-linearities.

This is a major reason why upsampling sounds so much better in most DACs and why high sample rate files sound better. Nothing to do with our hearing high frequencies and everything to do with less sharp filtering and randomization of inherent DAC non-linearity.

willemj - I agree with #1

re #2 - IIRC, they selected only studies for meta-analysis where the redbook layer of an SACD was used.

In general, it seems wise for a consumer to choose SACDs as the mastering/recording will usually be done well and not "mastered for itunes) or some such.

Finally, I thought the major effect of using high sample rates was that you could avoid brickwall filters