Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

@geoffkait agreed! Ken Wilber uses the term scientism. I like that. It's the ossification of what should be a fluid and dynamic understanding of the world using science into a dogmatic structure where anything that hasn't been 'proven' by science is deemed to be nonexistent or inconsequential.
It's all underlaid by the mind's desire for certainty. Always having to figure things out is stressful and makes it difficult to maintain the illusion of an independent self operating upon the world. And that is frankly terrifying for most people. I see it almost every time I teach a yoga class or meditation session..
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I agree that the Audio industry is doing just fine. Better sounding components and reasonable prices for great equipment. My point of that article was my belief about certain components as speaker WIRE, interconnects, and the money gouging companies who sell these products st exorbitant prices. But to each his own. Just my opinion. AND THE SKY HASN'T FALLEN AS OF YET!
My definition of GOUGING is monopoly on a necessity and companies charging more than normal.   Basically low supply, normal/high demand so price rises.   IE:  hurricane, water or gasoline supply low so prices jacked up.    Whether justified is dependent on the situation.

But with cables, it's NOT a necessity.   Owners choose to buy them and SUCCESSFUL companies just listening to their customers.

Cables are part of a system so will rise or fall along with components.

BTW, Gordon Holt is no Warren Buffet IMO!
I want someone to attack the liquid metal audio cables. And say they are somehow not new and not different. How they sound the same as wire and how they can't measure differently.

Please bring your scientists in tow. Please. I'm begging you. Bring entire university physics departments and multi-dgreed (science specialties) heads of scientifically based companies, people with multiple degrees and people who head their entire fields of physics and research. Bring them all.

The moment you ask them to rally and rail against this intrusion into your little war against audiophiles and their hearing of differences...concerning this liquid metal signal transferring technology, vs various wire in any form... is the moment they'll individually and as a group, look at you like you've got three heads. Not a single one of them will take it in inch further, or get involved with you..

Of course it's different. The entire edifice of science says so.

Cables made from lead are more controversial. Besides liquid is almost a solid. It’s only a phase away. You can’t get in too much trouble that way. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. Glass is a almost a liquid at room temperature. Now, does that mean fiber optic cables are almost liquids? You decide. 🙄