I agree that a wide variety of placements need to be tried in a specific listening environment. I have done that! Perhaps that's why it took me so long to find that exact correct placement in my space. I followed the speaker manual's suggestions for placement, tried the "rule of thirds", tried locating speakers in the room's "power zone" etc.
What helped me get to where I am now was keeping an ongoing record of all the locations I had tried. I recorded exact measurements each time I moved the speakers and as things got worse, I would go back to a previous location and tweak from there.
Like I mentioned in the original post, I only know that I'm where I want to be because of the consistency of sound from an eclectic selection of music. Each song from each source is just there in the room with all the various instruments sounding real or at least as real as any of us are capable of hearing through any form of electronic reproduction. There is a dynamic ebb and flow to the music and truth of timbre that inform me that it is time now to just sit back and enjoy the music. Hallelujah!
What helped me get to where I am now was keeping an ongoing record of all the locations I had tried. I recorded exact measurements each time I moved the speakers and as things got worse, I would go back to a previous location and tweak from there.
Like I mentioned in the original post, I only know that I'm where I want to be because of the consistency of sound from an eclectic selection of music. Each song from each source is just there in the room with all the various instruments sounding real or at least as real as any of us are capable of hearing through any form of electronic reproduction. There is a dynamic ebb and flow to the music and truth of timbre that inform me that it is time now to just sit back and enjoy the music. Hallelujah!