Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Are you listening Bo, Mr. 3d sound? When we can't actually try your product and hear if what you say is true, we need proof. Not endless posts about your awesomeness.
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@roger_paul We met about a decade ago, as you demo’d your components to my audio (Philadelphia) audio group. My feelings of the day were that you were an incredibly nice and gracious person, and we spent a lot of the time talking face to face with one another. Sonically, I felt the overall sound was good, but did not motivate me to pursue things beyond our meeting. So I asked if you felt happy with the sound, and if it represented your products fairly. Pardon me if I’ve misread you, but I’ve understood from your posts that you’ve made significant progress since our meeting, and have come to the point where you feel absolutely satisfied with where things have now landed.

I’ve watched a lot of back and forth in this and other threads, and think Ralph (AtmaSphere), among others, makes his points in a most salient and consistent manner. For whatever reason, the products don’t resonate with most folks outside of Norm (Tbg), and your passion and message somehow fails to get through to this community. From my standpoint, no one’s really getting anywhere in this discussion. And as you are far closer to the end of your road than the beginning, unless something changes in a big way, it seems clear your life’s work and all that you believe in will not see much consideration beyond these discussions.

To that end, here is a proposal...presuming you still are in New Jersey, and amenable to the idea, I’m willing to visit you for an hour or three some afternoon, and have you display your preamplifier and / or power amplifier.

I’ll report my opinions here. Who knows if they will be positive, negative, or neutral? I always say, that’s why they make vanilla AND chocolate. Hopefully, the reputation I’ve built on this site since 1999 has shown my insight won’t be bought or unduly influenced. Just to be completely up front, going in, I feel less interested in the theory and architecture of your designs than the actual sonic results. Normally, if I’m taken by the sound, and feel it’s of merit and value, I will feel intrigued enough to dig into everything else. And if not, there’s little value in spending more time on it.

The ball’s in your court...
Thanks for offering your time to check this out. The only way to understand what I have been trying to share is by actual listening.
Please go to my website and use the contact form or email me at so I can set this up.

I am willing to have you come by and hear the final version.

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