What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under

I thought mr_ m brought up a good point when when he said he would pick the most musical over the most accurate. His post was in "Searching for the Most Accurate Speaker under $15000"
I haven't had the chance to listen to as many speakers as most of the posters here, but I'd personally be thrilled with either the ProAc D48R or Harbeth 40.2 and probably base my decision more on what the upstream equipment pairing & room placement options were over anything else.

Also Vandersteen.  

I'm pretty much in agreement with blindjim regarding the importance of amplifiers, etc. but would like to add that a more efficient speaker does allow a lot more flexibility in the budget required for great amplification.  (I have entry level ProAcs & a First Watt amp)
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Those would be - Linkwitz Orions or LX521s or Legacy Aeris (if bought in the used market - below $15,000).
I just purchased the Vandersteen Quatro CT's (painted) over all the others I auditioned under 30k.  I found them to be the most accurate tonally, had the most detail as they dont' smear and are time and phase accurate.  They are the most musical since they offer the most detail.  The attack and decay are as good as it gets.  I think they are the sweet spot in Vandersteen's line.  The bass EQ let's you put them into the corner of the room up against the wall so the wife loves them too.  With the bass EQ, you can set them up to also max out the soundstage without getting suck out in the middle.  

These are just my suggestions.  The biggest thing you can do it go audition.  All speakers get good reviews, including many best of shows by Vandy's, Magicos, Legacy etc..., but that may not be your best of show.  That's a large chuck of change to spend and maybe a trip to a large city to go listen to a large cross section over a weekend.  Just a thought.