HT Receiver or High end integrated for music??

Contemplating a new HT receiver for two channel music with an option to add the rears and center for movies. Somthing like an Arcam AVR350, reputed to be superb, but haven't heard it yet. Will the high end integrated still sound better??
Maybe a Plinius 9200 or Cary SLi80 for tubes!

Have owned a variety of separates in the past, but I'm fed up with all the boxes and cables. I have spending money on cables, not one of them has ever been worth the money, and none of them impressed me either. I'm not a HT fanatic like some, I'd give it up for superior 2 channel performance anyday, and movies thru a great 2 channel setup still sound fantastic!!

Any thoughts will be appreciated!!

Thanks to all!
There's centainly things to be considered here, and factors that need to be taken into account. If you are playing rock, R&B, techno, rap, new world music, or are a "head-banger", and like high dynamics and loud levels, then you probably will get better results crossing most speaker aplications over to "small", using a pre/pro, and adding a sub! Still, if you mostly do 2 channel lighter music dubties, with lesser dynamic needs then, yes, you would get better sonics (as long as you have a good source with good fidelity and processing, is key) with 2 channel integrateds, for certain. Good luck
I too agree with Bob_reynolds but moreso on the pre pro then the speaker theory. I do believe that speakers are an important part of an audio system but I think pre amps are equally responsable for sound quality. I tried a HT receiver with little success but moved on to a prepro and amp set with good results with 2 CH. I have an Aragon Stage one with a Aragon 2005 5 channel amp. I think you would need a very high end integrated to best it and would have to spend ALOT more money.
If you're running 2-way speakers, getting the low bass out with an active 4th order acoustic cross-over to a decent (a lot of the crap sold to the home theater market doesn't qualify) sub woofer will do wonders for both your bass and midrange, especially if you prefer your acoustic music at realistic levels.

An AV receiver will do this, and electronically time align the main speakers with a sub-woofer so you can place the main speakers to perform best in the upper octaves and the sub-woofer where it works best.

A high end integrated stereo amplifier will not. need both! I agree that an integrated AMP or separates of quality is necessary for true Hi fidelity audio success in the 2 channel world. AN HT receiver doesnt quite get there.

The catch is on the HT side then...many movie soundtracks are mixed in 5.1 for example and made to be heard that way as well. So HT moves more to signal/channel processing and, frankly, software and less about quality power and signal path quality components.

Its great that folks love 2.1 for movies, but the soundtracks are mixed for 5.1 and should be heard that way. This can in fact be done with separates etc via analog outs-- assuming the audio decoding can be done at the DVD player level, but HT receivers can excel in surround processing and often do.
I arrived at this the other way 'round from others - I'd already had high end 2 channel audio for many years and wanted a second system for music & HT without spending megabucks and getting complicated. I disliked virtually every HT receiver I'd heard - in fact I hadn't had a receiver of any kind since my vintage gear 25 years ago. I was strictly a 2 channel, finicky kinda audiogal.

I've been very happy with my Arcam AVR300 (powering Nola Minis) and the AVR350 is even better - I'll be trading up some day.

I would not recommend this approach with most typical HT receivers (I've had a couple Denons and others that are very easy to live without) but Arcam makes truly fine sounding, musical receivers. Treat the Arcam like a serious piece of kit with an after market power cord and decent wire and you will have a very satisfying musical experience and great HT sound. The Arcams are versatile too, offering bi-amping options and much else for audiophile tastes. And honestly, I love the simplicity of it all.

The Plinius and Cary are excellent integrateds, ones I've recommended to friends for 2 channel only listening. But I'm very comfortable with the Arcam gear for my all-in-one system.

If I were doing HT separates I would consider going with the Cary pre/pro and multichannel amps, surely one of the best kept secrets in HT/audio. But for a double duty system the Arcam is an outstanding choice.

Does my Arcam/Nola music/HT system outperform my high end separates? No, but it sounds pretty darned nice - my main system was an $16K+ system, with full rnage speakers carefully matched and highly synergetic with my electronics, cabling etc.

BTW, my musical tastes run primarily to lareg scale orchestral and choral works. I don't like hardness in the treble, congestion, lack of transparency etc. The Arcams don't suffer from these issues.

Go give the AVR350 a listen, compare with some integrateds, think about the logistics, make your choice and be happy.