Linn's Ninka speaker: Anyone heard it??

Linn Sondek makes a line of speakers which usually don't get much press. Has anyone heard the "Ninka" which is about $1600 retail?? How does it compare to other speakers in the $1500-$2000 range??
The Ninka's haven't gotten very favorable reviews. I have heard them Aktiv and liked them. Used Aktiv 5140's would be the best bet if it fits your budget.
People either love Linn speakers or not -- there's very little in between. People who place high value on pace, rhythm, and timing(PRaT) tend to love these speakers, while people who value things such as three-dimensional imaging and soundstage will not. Linn speakers also will not disappear in a room as well as many others, and they can be picky in working with non-Linn electronics.

So how the Ninkas compare to others in their price category will largely be determined by how you value these various aspects of sound reproduction. If PRaT is very high on your list the Ninkas may be one of the best bargains in audio, but if you're looking for a more transparent, three-dimentional soundstage look elsewhere. One speaker I would definitely audition if I were looking at the Ninkas would be Meadowlark's new Swift, which are also small floorstanders but only cost $1000/pr.

I don't know why Linn speakers aren't reviewed more, but knowing Linn(I used to work for a Linn dealer) they probably don't push as hard as other manufacturers for reviews. They don't appear to put much emphasis on marketing in general, more relying on their dealer network and word of mouth.
I have heard the Ninka's on an all Linn system and was surprised by the muddiness of sound (was playing Bela Fleck and the Flecktones - Outbound). Many of the instruments got lost or couldn't hear them. They were much better, though, than the Vienna Acoustics Beethovens on the same system with the same CD (wooly and very thumpy). It may have been the way the speakers were setup, etc.

The fit and finish is amazing on the Linn speakers.

I would look at the JMLabs Cobalt 816's, Acoustic Energy AE 309,s, and possibly the new Monitor Audio Silver S8. All bring something different to the table.

I helped a friend buy a pair of used Ninkas for use with a Linn Classik and have listened to them quite a bit. They're very easy to listen to and absolutely beautiful to look at. She's thrilled.

I'd agree completely with Soix's observations about where the Linns fall on the issue of PRaT vs. imaging and soundstage. Given that the speakers I can afford require some compromise, my personal preference is on the side of transparency and imaging. I've got Proacs and like them better than the Ninkas but that perference doesn't tell you anything about whether you'd like them.

A few months ago a friend and I spent a couple of days shopping for speakers for him. We listened to Linn, Vienna Acoustic, Sonus Faber, Monitor Audio, Dynaudio, B&W, Roark, Martin Logan, and probably some others I can't remember. It soon became clear that his preference was for the 'Linn' sound. Listening to my Proacs at home the second evening he remarked that my speakers sounded 'thin' to him. I tried not to be offended because after all the audiotioning I did understand what he was saying. I like my speakers 'thin' and he likes them 'thick.'
I have to agree with Botrytis about the muddiness of the Ninkas. A real disappointment. That being said, I have by and large been less than overwhelmed with Linn equipment. Linn and B&W are, in my opinionated but pretty experienced view, two of the most overrated names in audio.
