Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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And one more thing because this is ridiculous.

You said "the velocity of air medium is zero.'


Air molecules at room temperature move about 1000 mph. They are bouncing around and banging off each other at very high speed.

stevecham wrote,

"And one more thing because this is ridiculous.

You said "the velocity of air medium is zero.’


Air molecules at room temperature move about 1000 mph. They are bouncing around and banging off each other at very high speed."

Air is considered motionless in the room. The motion of something passing through air is relative motion. It's customary to consider the velocity of air zero relative to acoustic waves passing through it. Consider a listening room on a moving train where music is playing. The velocity of air in the listening room is still zero relative to the car of the train. Thus the velocity of acoustic waves passing through the air in a car on a moving train would be the speed of sound, the same velocity of acoustic waves in a room in a stationary building. It would be absurd to consider still air is moving at 1000 mph when it’s relative motion is zero. It would be equally absurd to consider the air in the room moving at the velocity of the Earth’s rotation on its axis or the velocity of the Earth’s motion around the sun. Besides, all the air molecular motion cancels out. The net velocity is zero since it’s all random motion. 

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My preamp sounds great it didn't crawl using CJ ET5 maybe upgrading to ET7 soon.Enjoy!!