PranaFidelity speakers, what say you?

Was just wondering if anyone here have owned or had a chance to listen to PranaFidelity's offerings at length, and can report on their experience?

I recently got the chance to listen to the new Bhava bookshelf speakers at the recent Los Angeles audio show. Was really taken aback how great they sounded; better than most of the other room demo setups on the day, and not crazy expensive (although ranging from 5k to 7k, not for the budget minded either).

ljgm  " How is it that these speakers, and even the Prana electronics, don't have more exposure?  Crazy!!"
I don't know for sure. But I think Steven is a one on one person kind of guy. Visit with him sometime, you will probably really enjoy it, and be better for it. He likes to take care of people on an individual basis and maybe big marketing is not his thing. I think he likes his equipment to truly move the soul with the music played through it and not draw attention to the electronic devices themselves.
Marqmike, agree. Although it wasnt exactly 1:1, I probably logged about 1.5 hours in Steve’s LAAS suite. He is fantastic to talk to. My friend put it best... Norber is looking to invigorate the human sympathetic system response with his product. Yes, indeed.

Pts, the cabinet shape and the crossover both changed on the Bhava vs the 50Ninety. Whether or not the end result of these changes is truly "minor" as you put it, is at least debatable until someone hears them side by side or Steve himself chimes in.

Bhava is a speaker I am very keen on owning. It and the Marten Duke 2. But there’s only room for one of the two and I am still undecided...
Can anyone comment on how the Bhava compares to anything a little more well-known? It's hard to tell exactly where the generally "fit" in the audio realm, not necessary in the greatest factor but in sonic character. Like more Sonus Faber or Focal? ATC or Harbeth? Bright? Laid-back? Etc. Cheers!
I haven't heard ATC in a while, but Pranas are definitely not Focals.  I would say more refined sounding and not quite as detailed.  Pranas are absolutely non-fatiguing, yet they aren't as laid back as say Harbeths.  Of course, the sound I heard in Steven's suite was influenced by the Prana electronics, including his excellent amp which utilizes the NC1200 Class D modules, and the world class Kuzma table with 14" 4 point tonearm.  
This is a year old thread, but just wanted to say that I bought the Bhavas and love them. If anyone wants to hear them in the Southern California area, drop me a line.