Paying time frame

What do you guys feel is a reasonable time frame to expect someone to pay for a purchase? I know audiogon says contact should be made within 72 hours and payment within 5 days but this seems extreme to me. I generally pay within 24 hours of making a deal. It just seems crazy to me to keep a seller waiting... For what, you already agree'd to buy now pay. What's your thoughts?
My gf is now stuck in NYC with large piles of snow and no internet accessibility.
24 hours in this case might not be 'nuf.
Hurry Up America -- the faster the better!
10 days to get the payment form, never PayPal. 10 days to clear the payment form once it is deposited in your account. We so many bogus payment forms, including 'cashiers checks', little is safe. Pick up and cash is best, asking for new 100 dollar bills. That way you will not have drug tinted money in your possession when you are stop by the police. Always deposit it in the bank and ask them to check for bogus bills. Recently sold a car, for cash, and the buyer felt I was nuts, but the sale was for $12,000, cash.
I recently purchased a preamp here . I did not have enough money in my Paypal account when i entered into the purchase agreement . The same day i initiated the bank transfer to my Paypal account . It ended up taking the full 5 days Paypal states it could take . My buyer was understandable with the arrangement , but i wish it would have happened sooner . The pre just happened to come to market before i had a chance to get the funds transferred. I believe the seller was happy to get a deal done so close to his just listing it and for his asking price . A good deal for both of us i believe.