Preamp Recommendation

I have just purchased Classe CTM-600 Mono blocks. They are currently running with an old ML 38s. I have tried using a VTL 6.5 III but had a hum problem. Tried everything but could not get rid of the hum. The 6.5 was not new so the pre it self could have had problems. 
I have an option to buy an Ayre KX-R at a great price. Question is will the Ayre a significant upgrade on the ML? Speakers are B&W 800 D. Sources include Clear Audio TT and a PS Audio Directstream Junior. 
Congrats on your Classe's.  Have always liked their amps.  It is too bad you couldn't solve the hum issue with the VTL's, that sounds like a great sonic match.

I cannot answer your question but would recommend you try tubes in the linestage and even phono stage.  The Classe has a high input impedance giving you lots of options.  I always ran tubes with my Classe amp and Thiels - your B&W's are similar in the top end and might really benefit from tubes.
If the Classe has a balanced input, I would take advantage of it. BTW there are balanced line tube preamps.

Also, do be careful with that Classe. Some of the output devices have gotten hard to find.