Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Without cooling though, there's absolute certainty what your output stage isn't.
Your absolute certainty is absolutely wrong.
First you're criticizing my amp without hearing it and now you're telling me I have no heat sinks with seeing it. I don't think you are going to get away with that one. Its too easy to prove. (They are on the back)
It idles at 30 wpc.

Are you a remote viewer?

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This thread - for better or worse - has become the poster child for what happens when you let the angry Juror from 12 Angry Men badger you with the old, "then, what about this, then what about that" routine. It’s the oldest scam in town. You can’t PROVE it!! Nobody has to prove anything. Duh! This behavior on this thread and many other threads appears to be nothing more than a desperate ploy for attention and an opportunity for rudeness and name calling. 😫
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