Top Audiophile Ethernet Cables - any comparisons?

I just set up my new streamer with which I stream music from my mac mini to my dac. I use a dedicated network switch which connects the streamer and mac mini directly without going through the rest of my LAN.
I exchanged a standard CAT 7 cable on one leg of the connection with Audioquest's Forest Ethernet cable. There was a small but clearly audible improvement. From the reviews on the Web I conclude that the top cable by Audioquest (Diamond) would give the biggest improvement of all Audioquest Ethernet cables. 

Now my question: Has anyone compared the Audioquest Diamond with any other top cable by another manufacturer, e.g. Purist Audio, Cardas, Chord, ...? I live in Switzerland and have no dealer who can give me several of those cables to try. Thus, before spending a lot of money, I'd like to hear any opinions.

Thanks a lot for any replies!

By the way, I use a network switch that was modified for audiophile purposes (AQVOX). The difference to an off-the-shelf switch is tremendous!
> And the Cary Audio DMS-500?
When I get you right you use a computer as a file server in all set-ups, or am I wrong? So unless you use a linear PSU with the computer you get noise right from the beginning (affecting jitter). And the switched PSU we use in our computers generate a lot of hifreq noise.

The laptops are different if you ran them on battery only. That should be much better. But from what I heard, a very good linear PSU generates less noise than a battery. However, here I am just repeating what others say, I have no experience by myself. 
I used a silence only 0dBfs wav file played back through and captured with the RME UFX. 

I then in both Reaper and ARTA did some analysis and there is no mains induced noise or it's spurs. 
Thanks a lot - that is a very informative review.

In all reviews I have read so far the cable by Purist Audio Design came out quite high with a transparent and warm sound.
I will probably order this cable from my dealer and compare it with the SOtM dCBL-CAT6, which I have already ordered.
I wish Douglas could have been present today as we test this out blinded. 

WGUTZ also has a pair of Sennheisers we can evaluate with. I've brought a 100 foot CAT6, unterminated CAT5 (approx 30 feet), my Emotiva DC-1, two computers, Cisco SG 200-08 L3 managed switch.