It really is the easiest thing, to terminate cables. You seem to have convinced yourself that you can't do it..
If you can sculpt, or stretch a canvas, you can certainly do this yourself. You don't even have to solder, crimp connections can also be very good. You would need to buy a good pair of crimping pliers, of course. Soldering is very easy as well and solder and a soldering iron can be had cheaply.
For approximately half of the mental energy you seem to have spent worrying about this, you could fix this yourself.
Do it!
If you can sculpt, or stretch a canvas, you can certainly do this yourself. You don't even have to solder, crimp connections can also be very good. You would need to buy a good pair of crimping pliers, of course. Soldering is very easy as well and solder and a soldering iron can be had cheaply.
For approximately half of the mental energy you seem to have spent worrying about this, you could fix this yourself.
Do it!