Need Recommendations on a CD Player

About 10 years ago I purchased a Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD player. Unfortunately, it has developed a problem of emitting static through the 2-channel speakers on startup. The good news is that by cycling the power off & on, the static disappears & all is well. However, I am skeptical that the cost of repair might not make sense considering the price of a new unit.

That being said, I would appreciate some recommendations on a quality single-disc player. The thing that I have been questioning is whether I really need to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,200 (U.S.) as I did for the Cambridge Audio player. I have a very good audio system, so I don't want the CD player to be unable to jeopardize the sound quality of everything "downstream". I guess that I am trying to find a balance between cost & quality.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations or considerations. It's much appreciated.

Here is a very inexpensive alternative to the excellent options already mentioned by others herein this thread. If you consider value and performance, this will be difficult to best. Emotiva ERC-3. Even more recommended if your disks are "finicky" to read off of.
What do you like most about the Emotiva ERC-3 compared to others and what have you compared it to.
What do you like most about the Emotiva ERC-3 compared to others and what have you compared it to.

First, I assume your questions is directed to me. Whether that is true or not, please allow me to provide an answer. In addition to its low cost and high quality (both of which are my opinion and subjective), I believe it offers better "value" than any competitor (if just redbook CD playback/transport is the objective).

Watch and listen to this:

Then, do some Internet searches and read what owners have to say. Frankly, I've had so many other players (none costing more than $2500) in my day that it doesn't interest me to discuss comparisons.