B&W 805 Nautilus for PC?

I picked up a used pair of 805 Nautilus at an estate sale for $500.  I could not test them and had to take a gamble.  My plan was to use them for my computer as I spend a lot of time working at my desk and wanted something better than my horrible Bose multimedia speakers.  I am in search of a good integrated amp but in the meantime I am using an old Denon 1908 receiver to run them.  They sound terrible.  I am not sure if it is the Denon or the speakers.  Is there a good integrated you would recommend that might make these things sing?

I am not sure how to measure the response but I will google it and try to measure them.

They are bi-wireable but I have them wired into the top post with a jumper.  I disconnected the jumpers and the tweeters are working.

I moved the speakers into the family room and replaced my KEF R300's with them and plugged them into my Sunfire TGA7401 and they sounded a little bit better but not as good as my KEF's.

I appreciate everyone's feedback!
For measurement the best option is the free REW software and a calibrated microphone like the UMIK-1. That does not need to cost an arm and a leg. REW is not particularly user friendly, so you will have to spend a bit of time. If, as I suspect in a home office, you are using a computer as a source, you can equalize in software. And of course, when you are at it, you can also measure the system in the family room. If you are not using a computer there, you would need a mini dsp. Avoid equalizing above about 150-250 Hz.
I meant, avoid equalizing above 150-250 Hz (i.e. the so called Schroder frequeency) for peaks (due to room modes).
In addiiton, however, you can also use the Equalizer Apo as a traditional tone control or even better as an imitation of the old Quad tilt control to change the tonal character by lifting or reducing the response over a longer part of the frequency response.