Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Geeze, Mr. Magic Rocks! Can’t seem to forget the physics of air, can you? Sorry, but that’s a completely valid and required component in the calculation of mass and sound moving though it. It’s funny how you ridicule me for reality and defend you fantasy fields. You’re the one who claims to tweak audio and video gear over the phone. Not me. You’re insane.

Ha ha! You pulled out all the stops that time, kross. I bet I know what's coming next. I always enjoy these extreme reactions from newbies. No worries, I realize you're physics challenged, so here’s a little tutorial for you. It’s not difficult.

Get smart on speed of sound:

What changes the speed of sound?

In fact, assuming an ideal gas, the speed of sound c depends on temperature only, not on the pressure or density (since these change in lockstep for a given temperature and cancel out). Air is almost an ideal gas.

have a nice hair day

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kross_emoji, if the air in the room had any motion your hair (assuming you have any hair) would be blowing in the wind. Besides the speed of sound at Standard temperature pressure is calculated for STILL air, not moving air. If the air is moving the speed of sound is a different number. Hel-loo! Thus, you argument is a logical fallacy. Case closed. Go back to school, get money back.
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kross_emoji, you are a little slow on the uptake today. The speed of sound is just that, relativistic motion, the speed of acoustic waves relative to the speed of air. Duh! This is what happens when you go to a school that advertises on the back of matchbook covers.