Speakers: Isolation?


I’m trying to figure out the best method for setting down my stand mount speakers.

Currently I have a pair of hollow wooden cabinet stands ordered to measurement from eBay. These are pretty lightweight and do not use dense wood. They are laying atop thick butcher blocks acting as pliniths which are on a set of Mapleshade carpet heavyfooters (spiked). What’s the best way to effectively mount my speakers onto the stands?
Well, to be fair, the idea is not original and you can’t see them under the speakers anyway.
Try Primacoustic Monitor Isolation Pads. They have different sizes to suite the size of your monitors. I use flat RX7 model and they are the best in terms of bringing focus and separation of instruments to my speakers. They only cost $100 each so its not a heavy investment. I even use one of them under my REL sub to great effect. They have been designed for the Pro market. we all know that whilst Pros are prepared to spend $$$ on equipment its not the price that drives them rather positive effect on the sound.

Also take a look at this page:

I'd suggest maybe something from Herbie's Audio Lab. Just go to his website and see what he has to offer. You could even send him an e-mail asking for his suggestion. He is very quick to answer.
I've been looking at the roller blocks and can't figure out how a heavy speaker sitting on these will not pose a risk of speakers bumped off.  Doesn't look like there is much of a "platform"  Am I missing something?