Cambridge Audio 751BD has failed--worth repairing?
I've had 5+ years of reliable service from this machine which I bought new, but a few days ago it suddenly failed. It refuses to load DVDs or Blu-Rays, just displays the "unknown disc" error message after a long delay and a lot of whirring. CDs play intermittently with lots of freezing and skipping. I sent a message to Cambridge Audio's customer service department and they told me to try a factory-reset, which of course had no effect. Otherwise, they said, contact the dealer. In other words, they don't know (or care, apparently) who is an authorized service provider. I use this machine for both music and movies, though mostly (except for SACDs) as a transport through a Bryston BDA1 DAC. Is it worth trying to repair? Have any of you had similar experiences with CA universal disc spinners? One solution I've been eying is the Oppo UDP203 for video and SACDs, and a used PS Audio PerfectWave transport for CDs, though only if I decide I don't like how the Oppo handles CDs. However, if it's economically feasible to repair the 751BD, that's my first choice. Advice and opinions welcome. Thanks.