Ayre KX-R or PS Audio BHK Pre

I have an chance to buy either of the above 2 pre amps. Price is not a problem as I am getting a great deal on the Ayre as a demo unit. Still the Ayre is a bit more expensive but I can live with the price difference. What would you guys recommend. Associated equipment is as follows. 
Power Amps Classe CT-M 600
Speakers B&W 800d
Current pre Mark Levinson No. 38s
PS Audio Direct Stream Junior
Clearaudio TT with Avid Phono
Music tastes are mostly Classic rock with some Jazz thrown in. 
That being the case I would hesitate to invest in "old tech." especially when the manufacturer trumpets the remarkable improvements of the new model.  I believe if you reach out to PS Audio they would arrange for an in home audition of a BHK.
+1 for Ayre.   I highly recommend the Ayre KX-R or any of the other products in the Ayre line.   
Another +1 Ayre.   I know its not the 20, but the Ayre KX-R twenty I heard was absolutely beautiful sounding.
In your position, if at all possible, I would audition both preamps in your system and choose your preference because it will be only you not the forum who will live and listen to your system .