Amp recommendation and setup advice please


I love music and I adore quality sound - I cannot listen to music on ordinary speakers/devices.

I have been trying to do my research on sound systems/speakers/amps etc.. and learn/understand the whole shebang, but I'm not that much of a tech head. 

I want to buy the Klipsch RF-7 II tower speakers (I think they are passive, hence requiring an amp). 

I want them for both my new TV and also the vinyl/turntable setup I am going for, which is as follows:

Turntable - ProJect Debut Carbon Premium with Ortofon 2M RED (cartridge)
Phono (pre-amp) - ProJect Phono Box DS
Speakers - as above
Subwoofer - thinking either Klipsch R-12SW or R112SW
Amp - ??

I have a few questions:

1. Am I on the right tracks for having all the essentials?
2. Can someone recommend a good amp to power my speakers and sub please, and does the sub need powering or does it have it's own amp? 
3. Do I need a DAC for TV and connection to laptop? If so can you recommend a good one please? I was thinking of Audioengine D1 Premium 24 bit DAC Interface Connector.
4. Please suggest any alternative products if any of the stuff I mentioned are no good or don't fit together that well.
5. How would I set all of this up? Do I need anything else?
6. Do I need more speakers? I'm worried that the sub may be too much bass and drown out the tower speakers. 

I apologise for my lack of knowledge - I've just signed up here because I read that I could get advice and guidance from enthusiasts and experts. I know that my questions and post may frustrate some of you as I may have made some rookie mistakes, and perhaps this type of post has been done a 100 or so times but wasn't sure how to get answers/help. 

Many kind thanks in advance!


I came across this thread talking about the NFB 29 (which is what you are considering):

Interestingly enough, he is using it through some AirMotiv speakers! lol.  Lot's of good feedback on this NFB 29.  One of the comments that stood out to me:

The nfb11 has some harshness to it in the treble regions that the nfb29 doesn't have... The 29 is more dynamic, more detailed and overall better. Much bigger sound stage, much better separation and imaging.

Though, if you spend more you get something better, obviously.

Hi auxinput, apologies I've been on travels. Thanks again for all the responses.

I have spoken with Emotiva and they don't ship to the European market unfortunately and their UK distributor hasn't agreed a delivery contract with them yet. 

Are you able to recommend an alternative speaker that's equal or even better than the Airmotiv 6s please?

I am ready to buy the NFB-29.28 but need to either find the Airmotiv 6s or another speaker. 

I am going to complete this project first as my father now has his new TV and satellite all setup. 

Then I can start on my baby :)

If you want powered monitors, I actually use Yamaha HS80m monitors for my computer speakers. They are actually not bad. There are a couple used on UK Ebay:

Or you can try to find the newer Yamaha HS8 monitors, but will be even more than the Emotivas. Not sure if these will be better than the Emotiva. Emotiva has a lot more power and will probably be more laid back sounding than the Yamaha. The Yamaha are very neutral, but also very revealing. They have a larger 8" woofer so they would play a lot lower than either of the Emotiva monitors.

Thanks for finding them on UK eBay auxinput. 

How do the HS80M compare to the HS8s? I may buy the one in the second link you provided but wanted to understand if there's a big difference between old and new. Do they handle detailed songs well?

Also, what's your opinion on the following:

- JBL LSR 305
- Neumann KH 310
- Adam Audio A7X
- Mackie HR824mk2
- KRK RP6G3 Rokit 6

These are way out of budget for this particular project but have you seen the Emotiva Stealth 8s? 

Googling around:

It could be small differences, but the new HS8 doesn't push the midbass as much and is a little clearer in the midrange.  Not sure if you would really notice.

I don't have experience with any of the other monitors.  Some have Class D amps, which I have found to be very extremely clean sounding but lack engaging music.  With Class D, there is just no emotional engagement with the music for me.  Recording engineers are using these Class D amps a lot because it helps them hear the mix much clearer, but it may not be what you want for home listening. 

I have been seriously considering upgrading to the Stealth 8 for a  couple years now, but other things have been higher priority.