Help My wife bought me a sub

My wonderful wife bought me a used but well cared for SVS CS-Ultra subwoofer for Christmas, which was very cool. However, she didn’t know about passive vs. active subs and I don’t have an amp (the RDA-7 does not have a sub output) to drive the passive CS-Ultra. If I was going to buy an amp I’ve read that a Crown K1 might be a good choice, which I’ve seen used for around $700.

I have a dedicated room which is small, 12’10” x 9’ 5” x 7’ 10”. Mostly used for TV but want a high level of satisfaction for movie/concert video’s when I do watch. No critical music listening done since I have a separate room for my 2-channel for that. I currently do not have a sub but have been looking, just hadn’t pulled the trigger yet.

While I’ve read that the CS-Ultra is a very fine sub the drawbacks I see compared to active subs are no amp, no electronic adjustable characteristics like phase, gain, EQ, etc.

Active subs I had entertained were the SVS PC-Plus or PC-Ultra, Onix Rocket UFW-10, Hsu VTF3 Mk 2, or something along those lines. I have a balanced output connection from the RDC-7 processor and would like to use it if possible.

I’m thinking that if I did sell the CS-Ultra along with the money I didn’t spend on a Crown K1 amp I would have plenty to buy a really nice active sub that would give me all the electronic adjustable bits I think I need.

The components I’m using are Integra Research RDC-7 processor and RDA-7 amp, NHT M5 L/C/R speakers. No surround speakers yet.

What to do? Any advice or suggestions would be most welcomed!
I'd keep it because the fact that your wife bought it for you, and because it's a great sub.

I would pick up a Crown amp and maybe add a Veoldyne SMS-1 down the road... it will give you 1000 times the flexibility/performance that any "built-in" stuff will.

Congrats on a cool wife!! :)

Thanks for all the thoughtful responses. I knew I was going to get some great help and ideas.

Here is one thoughtful response about passive vs. active subs: “There is one big advantage with passive subs, and that is placement. You can move them around the room to find optimal placement (which is critical for subwoofers) without having to worry where you are going to tap the power for the amp and also getting long subwoofer interconnects.” That makes sense and helps push this question into keeping the CS-Ultra sub plus it was a present from my very cool wife. Now, how best to power it?

Many ideas have come in for that which I really appreciate. I really didn’t want to have several boxes although “component” sourcing often lets you pick the best of breed and really get the best out of your components. The Velodyne SMS-1 looks very cool and I bet works really well although at $749 MSRP that’s cutting into my budget and I still need an amp. There are several BASH amps available with EQ/phase/gain etc. controls that might do nicely.

Here is one that was brought to my attention that looks very nice and seems to have all the controls a sub would need. Any experience with this Class D amp?

I’m thinking the ADA600 for $549 would drive the CS-Ultra just fine in my smallish room although it’s back ordered at this moment.

Or buy a replacement SVS BASH amp?

This amp from Parts Express looks pretty good and seems like a good value:

O Audio might be nice -

Or what else would you do different?

Thanks for all your suggestions!