Room acoustics

How about a thread on room acoustics and ways to improve the in-room performance of your system and its speakers? Subjects covered could be the physics of room response, measurement of response in your own room, and how to deal with imperfections, above and below the Schroeder frequency, like damping, bass traps, speaker positioning, (multiple) subwoofers, and dsp equalization. Other subjects could be how to create a room with lower background noise for greater dynamic range, building construction, or what to do in small rooms.
I am a bit busy just now, but as soon as I have time I will try to kick off with some posts and links.
On Mac OS you can use Fuzzmeazure to measure speaker and room response. Audyssey XT32 is or was an excellent automated system on Onkyo devices
The discussion about weighting is how much different frequencies should be weighted to measure total sound level. That is a different issue and not relevant here.
Thanks for pointing this out: indeed there are other systems as well. REW is what I use and, I think, most people. Of course, there are also other automated measurement and equalization systems (I use one myself). My plan was to leave those for later.
It is 100% germane to the scenario in your room. It has to be mentioned, noted/corrected and then--deal with the entire package. which has now been done.

Good luck fixing it. (bass-midbass)

You don't seem to understand what can be done with a microphone, a pc, software and frequency sweeps or chirp signals and a little mathematics (convolution and fourier analysis).