the best amp to run the bass of infinity RS-1b's

I have a pair of infinity rs 1b's and am running them with a pair of bryston 4b-st's. I have a nakamichi dragon 3 piece cd setup with a nakamichi CA7A pre-amp to the brystons. I have 2 pairs of mit MH-750 CVTerminator II cables to the speakers. I am looking at a pair of Bryston 7b's at 500/ch at 8ohms, 800/ch at 4ohms. Classe Ca-400 400/ch at 8ohms, 800/ch at 4ohms. Mcintosh mc2500 500/ch at 8ohms. Perreaux 5150b at 500/ch 8ohms. I like rock,jazz country and classical. All the amps are for sale in my area and I am wondering which would give me the best punch and sound for the type of music i listen to.

Thanks for the help
I have tried driving the low end,bass section of my speakers with a number of amps,most of them disappointed me.The worst were the Classe mono I think model was 350,(cannot remember)second worst were the Bryston 7 monos,third were the YBA Passion 1000 monos(excellent for mid and high frequencies,Acoustic Reality 1000 monos(ICE amps) were pretty good,but better were the Innersound 1KW amps monos, and THE best are the Electrocompanient NEMO monos.The bass speakers in my system have an impedance of 4ohms. The latter amps are currently in my system.
Ramy MANY THANKS! I was considering using newer Bryston 4b SST, and also Classe CA-400 or 350..thanks for eliminating the 7 monos,

I met Innersounds 1 man show and I believe him to be an honest fellow- one I would like to support with my purchase.

The Bryston 7b is a bridged design which can not be used with the Infinity Rs1b crossover though.. and looking inside the Electrocompanient Nemo mono

it looks also to be a bridged design (I see two identical chassis components and a bridge wire...... you can not us bridged amps with the bass section of the RS1b's because they will go into positive oscillation. (very loud painful and costly)

In your RS1'bs ..Did you use a different crossover arrangement? I am using the stock crossover. Or are you using different speakers? I checked your system page and did not see RS1'bs, but greatly appreciate your advice anyhow.
Has anyone used a Classe CA-2300 amplifier for the bass on the RS1b's? The rest are driven by Manley Neo-Classic 250's via a Steelhead. As I've never had the desire to change the RS1b's so I want to see them operating for many years to come.
I was happy to find this discussion.  I have a pair of Infinity Betas with CJ Premier 8 on top, and Adcom GFA-565's on the bottom.

Couple of years ago the Adcoms blew (leaking caps) and I fixed them.  They just blew again, and they're going out the door.

So I'm shopping for bass amps.   On my shopping list so far are Bryston, Classe, Ayre, Krell.   Any recommendations?

I never, ever, want to deal with the problem of amps blowing up and potentially smoking my speakers on the way out.


Day Radebaugh