Does anyone use a tuner?

I have an older Luxman T-111 AM FM Tuner. If someone would like it. Pay for shipping and it is yours.

Sounds Real Audio

I need " HELP "

A good home for this tuner before I get in trouble.

Please don't ask me to tell you what a " good home " is. Obviously not an over paid government employee. 

Jim the bad dealer. 
Maybe there’s a Goodwill in your area?

And i didn’t say that the average government employee is overpaid, just that our government is writing checks that WE (and our kids) will have trouble paying:

If you don't get any interest here, you can post on Craig's list free stuff.

we and our kids won't live long enough to pay it off. They just keep printing money, trillions at a time and lend it to Jamie Diamond at 0% interest. The he bundles together a fund comprised of very risky derivatives and sells them as high quality bonds to pensions funds, then they crash and don't yield anywhere near what was expected so workers who invested and counted on pensions get shaved and Jamie gets a large large bonus not have taken any risk at all, because the government will bail him out if the big banks go broke. 
The tuner is gone. Thanks to all of you, some good suggestions. 

Audio Dealer of The Month.