New CDP or standalone DAC...?

Current source is the Oppo 103, bought three years ago. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments on buying a better-sounding CDP, or buying a better-sounding DAC and using the 103 as a transport.
Thanks in advance!

Yggy won't do SACDs.

Get an Oppo-205 (their best) and put the other $700 towards room treatments.

You can always use it as a standalone transport later if you want to add a $5,000 DAC...
but I do want to play SACDs and HDCDs. MQA seems interesting too.
Don't think you find something that has proper hdcd PMD100 or PMD200 chips and do sacd as well, let alone mqa also.

Cheers George

I found only one SACD/CD player that has also a proper PMD200 HDCD chip in it as well for HDCD Cd's, and that is the  CLASSE AUDIO OMEGA SACD

Cheers George

@randy-11, Already done treatments. 105 now 205 has been under consideration for some time. Nice to hear from someone who has heard it.
@georgehifi , interesting! I am looking forward to learning about the Classe.
Thanks for all the responses.

Ouch! Checked out the Classe player. $12k, in 2001! That won't be showing up in my listening room, unless a friend (and I don't have any audiophile friends who spend that kind of money. In fact, I don't have any audiophile friends), brings it over. Sigh...
