Congratulations, you have stumbled upon a truth! Air it is. But what is it that is sealing in what air is there around the wire, eh? That is where the burn-in takes place. I just visited over a half dozen audio manufacturer sites that discussed the issue of component and cable burn-in. Most recognized the controversy surrounding this elusive issue but ALL recognized its absolute existence. This includes manufacturers who do not sell any products meant to address burn-in.
In their own product development and listening tests, burn-in is readily heard and anecdotally is reinforced by customers who, after putting newly purchased cables into their system heard a harshness and lack of body to the sound relative to the cables that had previously inhabited that space in their system. The manufacturer's response is to allow time for the cables to burn-in. Voila! Problem solved.
As stated before...I sympathize with your inability to hear this well-recognized phenomenon.
To Area 51 with you!😋