Interesting. You seem fixated on capacitor break-in and by comparison I suppose it seems like I am stuck on the issue of cable burn-in. to each their own.
You said..."Seems to me the best cable would be the least reactive, not one designed to be as reactive as possible. You seem to be calling reactivity virtue for some reason."
Don't know what I've written here that brings you to that assertion. I've had quite a number of different interconnects pass through my systems over the years. In all instances burn-in yielded a sonic benefit usually in the form of dynamic musical swing, smoothness of treble and upper midrange and openness of the soundspace. I have never addressed technical measurements ie. capacitance, inductance etc. I care about what I hear and realize the obvious, that not all aspects that affect sound can be measured.
Interesting. You seem fixated on capacitor break-in and by comparison I suppose it seems like I am stuck on the issue of cable burn-in. to each their own.
You said..."Seems to me the best cable would be the least reactive, not one designed to be as reactive as possible. You seem to be calling reactivity virtue for some reason."
Don't know what I've written here that brings you to that assertion. I've had quite a number of different interconnects pass through my systems over the years. In all instances burn-in yielded a sonic benefit usually in the form of dynamic musical swing, smoothness of treble and upper midrange and openness of the soundspace. I have never addressed technical measurements ie. capacitance, inductance etc. I care about what I hear and realize the obvious, that not all aspects that affect sound can be measured.