@hifiman5's avatar > An ambassador of forum peace. Ahhhhhh 😇
Blindjim > Just re-stating the obvious.
bringer of Peace? Nope.
Prophet, philosopher, queller of wars, puller offer of wool over eyes. Echo of other people’s important audio experience and cool audiophiliac sayings.
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@geoffkait > “….exasperated knuckledragging angry angst ridden ruffians plotting to bring the whole juggernaut down and pervert the whole scientific process and squash the joy of discovery. Killjoys, name droppers, name callers, pill poppers, drive by shooters…”
Blindjim > keep your day job. This one ain’t paying off!
BTW how you allowed yourself to continually post such mediocre juvenile, condescending embarrassing nonsense astonishes me.
7K posts… minus all the inane jokes and senseless prattle and you’d have what? 500 or 600 worthwhile posts?
As to your baseless insinuations…
When ‘joy’ was killed I was not there and have pictures to prove it.
I ride horses, not angst’s, and am seldom angry unless forced to suffer fools, like at the DMV, or with the Cable provider..
my knuckles do not drag the floor. I wear gloves.
Science is perverted only on Wednesday nights and then only if it is holding a western saddle, a pair of jumper cables while wearing a welder’s mask and bunny slippers.
I’ll leave the name calling and pill popping to those who it appears are better at it than me. I got past all that noise sometime after 5th or 6th grade.
Until, and unless you’ve been involved in an invasion, or drive by, and coped with it favorably with near no sight, you’ve nothing to offer, and should not, unless some inner compulsion to demonstrate sheer ignorance is beond your control.
BTW… I’d see somebody about that OCD thingy, soon. Its only funny to you, and you should mention that to the Dr on your initial visit.
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@dynaquest4 > “For someone who seems to want to squash this discussion….”
Blindjim > say what? Where do you get that? Its obvious you did not read what I said, no prob. There’s ton’s of that going on around here all the time. Its why arguments ensue, persist, and unfortified assertions fly around like bees at a hive.
Every post here is as worthy as the next one, isn’t it? Its as worthy as your’s.
I offered merely perspectives. Agree. Disagree. Makes me no mind.
Infer something which is not there and we have a communication breakdown. Or perhaps a reading and comprehension issue.
Of course, another explanation could fit, if a member has an issue with another merely due to bias, presumptions, input from others who know nothing more, or at all, well, then that’s understandable. Silly. Stupid. But understandable to think one knows someone when one actually does not.
Projection gets folks into trouble as it is ‘scientifically’ irrational. Unless they are a mind reader!
Quick! What color am I thinking of?
What? Too many words? Why? Did you have to catch a bus?
If ADD is an issue, I’m sorry. But really, 3 or 4 minutes? Shheesh.
Lastly: …if you feel all that plagiaristic folderol geoffkait strucke was clever , it explains a lot. Even to a friend I’d draw a line on that much bull.
To each their own.
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@samzx12 > “…around the block…..”
Blindjim > Thanks. Very kind.
Block? yep. Several times and still rolling by some unknown Grace.
Although, I’m not trying to convince anyone to bat for the other team here. Just demonstrating a more practical side of life for those of us not employed by N.A.S.A., or M.I.T. and or are currently having their Oscilloscopes recalibrated.
I gave mine to the Salvation Army. I think. Maybe it was a kid On Halloween. Dunno.
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The jury is out anecdotally or scientifically on the wire run in biz. I mean if you add all of them up I feel it will be a draw. Inconclusive. Too close to call.
Sure that is speculation, but I sure ain’t scouring the web, to add them all up and find out.
Which means, you be the judge. We be the judge.
I feel I’ve been able to discern changes with time passing a signal in external cables, or from electricity in power cords. But that’s just me.
But people read or hear what they want to, regardless the truth or proof, same thing.
I showed how preposterous some lengths can be with the rocking chair demo mentioned earlier.
It always comes to one thing. You. me. And our ears, biases, and preffs.
Loads of other factors exist and persist no one ever mentions lately. Temperatures. Time of day for the listening sessions. Humidity which affects are hearing and speakers. Physical health. Emotional well being. The family cat sleeping on the speakerwires behind the rack. Least of all, is anything wrong or declining in our hearing?
Its our best judgement at the time. Hear it? Like it? Can afford it? Then freakin’ buy it. End of story.
Well, not for the ones who are argumentatively predisposed, bi polar, manic, OCD, or simply must oppress any notion not their own.
If Bill Nye, the Science Guy came to my house with cables, told me these were the hot ticket none better on this rock, well, I’d try them to see. Meaning I’d still be skeptical until I was satisfied they were better than what I had.
But best in the world? No. I’d still be skeptical regardless. ‘cause I’ve not tried every wire in the planet, and don’t plan on it..
Its said here a lot, take it with a grain of salt. How did that adage get kicked to the curb when it came to what wire makers say of their wares?
It holds large when folks review reviews and or reviewers articles on gear and accessories.
Suddenly, makers accounts, reviews, becomes ‘Scientific fact’ if it can even remotely be applied to some other area of audioland to support one’s view point on any subject..
It seems just another black hole for endless contention.
I’ll begin buying the purely based on science aspect for every instance of audio gear, when I find a pocket sized, talking, evaluating and measuring device that runs on batteries I can carry into a a listening room at the dealership and use to eliminate the pretenders from the contenders.
Maybe Amazon has some.
Till then I’ll do it the same way anyone else does it, by using my own eears EXP, as much honesty as I can muster, and my wallet. Although it’s a well kept secret here, I’m betting the overwhelming majority of audiophiles do it the exact same way when it gets right down to the nitty gritty. .