Marten Design Coltrane or Rockport Hypersion??

Hi all,

I'm currently using the Marten Design Coltrane speaker which I love. I am however interested how it compares to the Rockport Hypersion speakers.

I know it is quite a different speaker size wise and probably the Rockport is better usable in a bigger room, but has anyone ever listened to both?

What is the difference between both and which of the 2 you like more and why?

Thanks for your thought
I am very familiar with both and I do not sell either. The Marten Coltrane has a more real sounding midrange and tweeter. The inner detail and dynamics are also greater than the Rockport Hyperions. It is however a much smaller speaker and cannot move quite as much air as the very large Rockport Hyperions. The Rockports have a very nice musical sound, however they are not as dynamic, nor do they go as deep as one would expect.

BTW, The quality of construction on both speakers is top notch.

Jonathan Tinn
Chambers Audio
hi ,

i have owned the rockport hyperions for a year+ now and enjoy them tremendously! they render a big sound stage, are very dynamic , with a tight and punchy bass.

fit and finish are second to none, and they are great to listen to and look at!

i have not heard the marten coltrane yet.
Marten design Coltrane is a Mini where the Hyperion is a rols royce they are not same class!