TriPlanar tonearm outward skating issue

Hi all,

I have been trying to research a solution to a recent issue with my TriPlanar VII UII tonearm that I bought  a couple years back.

The tonearm seems to want to skate outwards, even with zero anti skate applied and the weight removed from the little anti skate arm. It is evident at various settings of VTF, VTA, etc. The platter is very level and everything seems to be aligned OK. This outward skating force is very light in the outer grooves and becomes stronger as the cartridge gets closer to the end of a side. In fact, as it traces the lead-out grooves at the end of a side, the tonearm sometimes thrusts outwards across those grooves back into the last track. Very scary!

A visual check of the cantilever azimuth seems to confirm an outward pressure from the tonearm since the cantilever is leaning with the stylus end closer to the spindle.

I can’t seem to find any information online about this phenomenon.

Any insights and recommendations would appreciated.
Dear @thom_mackris : I know that you really give a very good support to your customers, good for that.

The issue of my coments is way different from your " feelings " about. Looking again the first picture you shared here now I understand why is a design fault in the Triplanar that’s easy to fix and not only that but give a better quality performance to this good tonearm. Of course that it’s up to the manufacturer stays as is or make some changes.

@atmasphere I owe nothing, problem with you is that I’m not biased to like you. You are a manufacturer not a simple audiophile/audio customer as me. Btw, your opinion of " flase statements " is false because your unknowledge level/ignorance in that special subject. Period.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
You are a manufacturer not a simple audiophile/audio customer as me.
Wow. Just- wow.

So as a manufacturer, that makes me less qualified to see when someone is insulting others and making uncalled for remarks??

this thread is why few manufacturers monitor the many many boards full of £¥#$&* ,

thanks Ralph for helping

my audiophile mentor is a big fan of Triplaner
there is at least one in my future !!!!!!
Dear Raul, I don’t feel personally insulted by your response, any more than you should feel personally insulted by what I wrote. However, don’t you think you are being more than a little bit disingenuous, when you chastise Ralph for being a manufacturer commenting on a commercial product? Do you or did you not market your own Phonolinepreamp for profit, sometimes in this same forum and over a period of several years? Did you not also privately cajole several of us, including me, to purchase your preamp? Have you not announced here more than once that you and your business partner were going to bring a superior tonearm to market? (I don’t know whether the Phonolinepreamp is still in production or whether you will ever market your tonearm, but the principle is the same, either way.) So, you are a manufacturer, not a "simple audiophile/audio customer". Ergo, your motivation in attacking the Triplanar must be suspect. Anyway, my real point is that we have heard enough about this very minor idiosyncrasy of the TP, a problem that is easily avoided if one takes the slightest care not to yank the wires as they exit the base. You are free not to buy one. And let's move on.
@lewm : I'm not attaking the Triplanar in any way and what for you is a "   very minor idiosyncrasy of the TP " for me is a fault in its design.

What for you is "  a problem that is easily avoided if one takes the slightest care " for me is a fault in its design and must be not present for whatever reasons with any single customer.

Btw, did you already the test I explained here with your TP? is it steady at any horizontal position you choose?

About my Esential I posted in this and other forums talking on it and vs other similar products. Here we are not talking of tubes and he is making a " hard deffense " of the TP because is biased to where I'm not and even in the past when I talks about the Essential I always gave the facts and testimonies about that fenomenal unit where you can't ever dream on that kind of quality level performance and when I compared against other units as: Boulder, Levinson, Krell, Halcro or darTZeel ( tubes has nothing to say by comparison. No contest at all in anyway, same for hybrids designs. ) I posted in the forums the diagrams by ST vs my Essential same measures. Btw, my unit had not the very high prices of Boulder ( around 50K+ ) or any other top units. Today is still a challange for any today similar product. So what?.

In those times people like you " attack " me because I was making those true comparisons vs competiors and that this was not " usual " but what for some people is not " usual " for me not to say it is deshonestity or be hipocrit.

As I have nothing vs TP I have nothing against atmasphere . That's not the issue. The issue is that you as other audiophiles more and more are less demanding that my self and this is the differences between you an me: huge differences because of that. 

Btw, my tonearm design is alive an running at my place but this fact has nothing to do on what I posted here about the TP where in 3 different posts I said: is a very good or good tonearm. Again, this is not the main subject I?m talking about.  Got it?
